December 4, 2020
A Bold New Future: Lessons from CCHCSP
This is a fantastic overview of the Canadian Child Health Clinician CCHCSP, highlighting how the organization supports residents.
November 2, 2020
The science of Science Writing
Alex Hutchinson of Sweat Science gives an excellent presentation on science writing.
July 23, 2020
Pediatric Resident Research in Canada
This webinar introduces pediatric resident researchers to resources and supposrt on this site. Specifically addressed are background, proposed timelines and standards for scholarly project completion.
Presentations from Experts
Destined to Fail – What to avoid when choosing a scholarly project
Dr. Elizabeth Stringer, MD, MSc
Division of Rheumatology, IWK, Halifax NSDestined to Thrive - The Making of a Clinician Scientist
Dr. Eric Benchimol, MD, PhD
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) IBD Centre, Ottawa, ONResident Success Stories
Highlighted Scholarly Projects from Across Canada